LabelLogic is our market-leading label software, specifically designed for overprinting labels. It is a simple but effective program that enables you to label products quickly, efficiently and with style, whilst complying with legislation.
LabelLogic comes free on loan* and is supported by a helpline, available for all customers. Our support team are on hand to offer you assistance with: maintenance, upgrades, changes and any advice you might ever need for your labelling software, and it’s all provided free as part of the service!

Market-leading label software that makes sense
LabelLogic features include:
- Ability to add your own logo
- Ability to handle allergen information
- Recipe builder for Q.U.I.D.S (Quantitive Ingredient Declarations)
- Link to NutriLogic Plus
- Ability to add 8 and 13 digit bar codes, for quick and accurate sales analysis
- Preset images including litter man and recycling
- Ability to access data on a shared network
- Ability to add health or dietary messages e.g. Vegetarian or Halal
- Easy to understand user guide and tutorials
- Manage a library of print files
- See your label on screen while you type
- Automatic sizing and spacing
Call us on 01 685 4351 or email [email protected]
Name: LabelLogic | Supplied on: CD ROM | Price: FREE on loan*

- is provided free on loan under licence from Cafebrands solely for use with labels supplied by Cafebrands. Certain initial minimum orders may apply.
- is a registered trademark of Cafebrands.
System Requirments are:
Vista / 7 / 8, 150Mb Free Hard Disk Space, 256MB RAM
Please note that we cannot support LabelLogic and NutriLogic on Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP.
LabelLogic Direct
If you want attractive looking designs but don’t have the time or equipment to overprint them, then your ideal solution is our LabelLogic Direct service. You can select any product from the wide range of brands featured in this catalogue, from a Frosty label to a Squares menu or even a blue rainbow oval. All you need to do is request an order form from our friendly Customer Service team on: (353)1 685 4351 Fax, email or post back the completed form to us. Include all of your product details e.g. title, description, price and then we will create your labels or menus for you. We will have your pre-printed products delivered free of charge* to your door within 7 working days. *Minimum orders may apply.